Waterfront Improvements For Wharves K-10 And K-11, FISC, Pearl Harbor

Fleet And Industrial Supply Center, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

  • Geotechnical exploration during design, consultation during a Functional Analysis and Concept Design (FACD), consultation during preparation of a parametric cost estimate (PCE) and during post construction award services (PCAS) for waterfront improvements at Wharves K10 and K11 in Pearl Harbor.
  • Demolition of 73 meters of Wharf K11, and the construction of a new reinforced concrete wharf on precast/prestressed concrete piles to support supply loading and unloading operations.
  • 15.2 meter wide deck, a 12.2 meter wide pile support relieving platform, a 13.7 meter wide concrete hardstand, sheetpile bulkhead, new fender piles and a transit warehouse.
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